
The Davao City Veterinarian’s Office envisions to be globally competitive with shared leadership and customer service excellence for the realization of One Health.


To protect and improve the health of animals and the welfare of the citizens of Davao through excellent veterinary services to the benefit of animal and public health.

To ensure food sovereignty for the citizens of Davao City, through promotion of disaster-resilient, climate change-adaptive eco-friendly technologies, renewable energy, and proper waste management.

Core Values

Excellent Customer Service

Shared Leadership

Globally Competitive


Our Goals and Objectives

It is the primary goal of the Office of the City Veterinarian to strengthen its organization and improve its services so that the following concerns will be achieved:

    • Provision of adequate veterinary services to manage the city’s animal health in order to protect the citizens from animal diseases that may be transmissible to man;
    • Provision of measures which will increase the number and improve the quality of the animal population that are used for work or human consumption to ensure public nutrition;
    • Provision of the proper inspection of meat, poultry, milk, dairy, fish and fishery products to ensure that only inspected
    • products are available for public consumption;
    • Provision of updated research services and ensure the transfer of appropriate study based technology for all interested citizens; and,
  • Prevention of cruelty to animals in all its forms by encouraging the humane handling and care of work, food and companion animals

Function of the City Veterinarian’s Office

  1. Formulate measures for the consideration of the Sanggunian Panglungsod, and provide  technical  assistance and support to the mayor in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic services and provision of adequate facilities;
  2. Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof  by the mayor, as the case may be, implement the same, particularly those which have to do with veterinary-related activities which the mayor is empowered to implement and which the Sanggunian Panglungsod is empowered to provide;

  3. Advise the mayor, as the case may be, on all matters pertaining to the slaughter of animals for human consumption and the regulation of slaughterhouses and dressing plants;

  4. Regulate the keeping of domestic animals;

  5. Regulate and inspect poultry, milk and dairy products for public consumption;

  6.  Enforce all laws and regulations for the prevention of cruelty to animals;

  7. Take necessary measures to eradicate, prevent or cure all forms of animal diseases;

  8. Be in the frontline of veterinary  related services, such as  in the outbreak of highly-contagious and deadly diseases, and in situations resulting in the depletion of animals for work and human consumption, particularly those arising from the aftermath of man-made and natural calamities  and disasters;

  9. Recommend to the sanggunian and advise the mayor, as the case may be, on all matters relative to veterinary services which will increase the number and improve the quality of livestock, poultry and other domestic animals used for work or human consumption; AND

  10. Exercise such  other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Our beginnings

Resolution No. 459, series of 1947 of the City Council of Davao City gave birth to the Office of the City Veterinarian. A lady veterinarian who worked with the office for less than two years first headed it. Dr. Amando Barbadillo, Sr. who became the City Veterinarian until his retirement in 1972 later succeeded her. As a division directly under the City Mayor, the office was tasked to handle meat inspection in the slaughterhouses. It also operated the city pound that was put up to control stray animals roaming around the city streets.

In the 1960’s, the office was separated and functioned as a department with the Chief of Office receiving a salary equivalent to the position of an Assistant Department Head. On July 1, 1985, the office became a full-pledged department through Resolution No. 33 of the Joint Commission on Local Government Personnel Administration, which declared the positions of City Veterinarian and Assistant City Veterinarian of Davao as equivalent to department head and assistant department head, respectively.
The enactment of Republic Act 7160 is considered a breakthrough in local government administration. Otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991, it mandated for the appointment of a veterinarian officer for the provincial and city governments. Since the Office of the City Veterinarian existed in Davao City even before the enactment of the law, it continues to receive regular funding and manpower complement from the city government. With the advent of the Local Government Code of 1991, the office is directed to deliver or discharge the functions and responsibilities devolved from the Department of Agriculture specifically those that concern the livestock sector.


What we do

The Local Government Code of 1991 mandated the Office of the City Veterinarian to develop plans and strategies, particularly those that have to do with veterinary related activities. The functions of the office are as follows:

  1. Advise the mayor on all matters pertaining to the slaughter of animals for home consumption and the regulation of slaughterhouses;
  2. Regulate the keeping of domestic animals;
  3. Regulate and inspect poultry, milk and dairy products for public consumption;
  4. Enforce all laws and regulations for the prevention of cruelty to animals;
  5. Take the necessary measures to eradicate, prevent or cure all forms of animal diseases;
  6. Be in the frontline of veterinary related activities, such as in the outbreak of highly contagious and deadly diseases and in situations resulting in the depletion of animals for work and human consumption, particularly those arising from and in the aftermath of man-made and natural disasters;
  7. Recommend to the sanggunian and advise the mayor on all matters relative to veterinary services, which will increase the number and improve the quality of livestock, poultry and other domestic animals used for work or human consumption; and,
  8. Exercise such other powers and perform such other functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Who we are